The Deep Soul Upleveling of Book Writing

The least common topic spoken about when writing a book is the massive up-levelling of the soul that the actual process and reflection process creates. Whether you are writing a book about your business or your life (trick question – they are the same thing!) telling your story is bringing your soul to a reckoning, a reflection, a review of what’s past.

Almost every person I’ve ever written for or written with has experienced a dark night of the writer’s soul. A reckoning of what they’ve created, been through, gone through and desire. Acknowledging our shadows and allowing them to see the light in the form of blueprints for others.

For many, the act of writing is an act of catharsis. It’s allowing themselves to go there to that moment finally, that wisdom, that experience and re-live it. It can be a challenging process to re-experience the trauma. Simply writing it can trigger you into those moments.

This is where having an experienced Book Coach, to support you through it can be invaluable. Helping you walk through the fires of your life and words and letting you heal with every beautiful, messy, chaotic and cathartic sentence you create.

And, if you think the dark night of the writer’s soul ends at the writing… I’m about to burst your beautiful bubble.

It does not.

The editing process is like reliving it over and over and over and overrrrrr again. Like a record trapped on repeat.

But, here’s the brilliant news…

The repetition creates an evolvement. You grow. You learn to feel through your story and appreciate it for the incredible experience it was… good, bad, or ugly. It becomes the neutral history you came from and a space of empowerment, peace and a blueprint for others (whether you write the story you heal or not).

Your soul is begging for catharsis. The reckoning and acknowledgement of where you’ve been so it can re-write the rules for what comes next.

Give it that.

Write the book. It’s time.

Crystal Adair-Benning

Crystal Adair-Benning is the Word Magician, Story Supercharger, Copywriter & Ghostwriter for rebels, misfits and world-changing humans. She is best known for being not known at all. A secret weapon amongst successful entrepreneurs who covet her Quantum Copy Method – combining the science of writing with the spirituality of creativity. A multiple NYTimes Bestselling ghostwriter and former highly sought-after luxury event planner, Crystal finds joy in being an Intuitive Creative digital nomad – free to explore the globe with her husband, dog and laptop.

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