WM_Brand Mark_Sparkle_White on Transparent
WM_Brand Mark_Sparkle_White on Transparent

You're In!

Copy For Coaches – LIVE on March 15th at 9AM PST | 12PM EST

You did it. You just made the best business decision of the week. Maybe even the year. (Too much? Nah.)

🚀 Mark your calendar. Set an alarm. Tell your dog you’ll be busy.
Because this is LIVE. No replay. No do-overs. If you miss it, you miss out.

🔗 Your Zoom link is flying to your inbox as we speak.
(If it’s not there in 10 minutes, check spam. If it’s still not there, yell at the internet and email me: hello@writewordmagic.com)


P.S: This is happening once!

No replay. No second chances. Be there or be stuck with the same non-converting copy.

See you on March 15th!


Word Magic Createcation Writers Retreats

Copy For Coaches is happening soon!

Wanna join for free?