Improve Your Grammar: The Easy Way

Let’s be straight with one another – I’m an “easy button” kinda gal when it comes to apps, tools and techniques.

Life is complicated.

Why would I want to make it more complicated?

I don’t.

This is why I, as a paid professional writer, use Grammarly all day every day in my writing business.


If you’re competitive, which I can be, it even sends me weekly and monthly updates to tell me how many new words I’ve used, how my accuracy improves, and how many words I wrote from week to week, month to month.

In short… it tells me my badass stats while I keep making bank writing copy for you that connects, converts and creates conversations.

All you Rebels, Misfits and World-Changing Humans who are writing your own copy (and who isn’t because even with a Copywriter, you’ve still got things to write) – this one is absolutely for you.

With both a free and paid version – no excuses.

So extra bonuses I adore in the paid version?

  • it’s always on my desktop reading my writing
  • it gives me a ‘tone’ guide to tell me how readers, like you, may interpret my prose
  • it drops even more statistics in my inbox about my linguistic prowess

Now those are tools I can take to the bank… after clients book me, and they do.

Grammar matters. Improve yours today!

Crystal Adair-Benning

Crystal Adair-Benning is the Word Magician, Story Supercharger, Copywriter & Ghostwriter for rebels, misfits and world-changing humans. She is best known for being not known at all. A secret weapon amongst successful entrepreneurs who covet her Quantum Copy Method – combining the science of writing with the spirituality of creativity. A multiple NYTimes Bestselling ghostwriter and former highly sought-after luxury event planner, Crystal finds joy in being an Intuitive Creative digital nomad – free to explore the globe with her husband, dog and laptop.

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